That isn't voluntary. A few days ago my phone came to the period it is doing what it wants. I couldn't do anything anymore. That Feeling is really upset when you know save Money is a big Point in your life and you have no buget for a new one.
Now my Smartphone is in repairs, but that could take three weeks! The good message is that my phone is shortly before warranty has expired, so when I have luck, I haven't to pay anything.
Three weeks without phone, WhatsApp, Instagram, my library ebooks, Spotify on road! Death is near, hopefully not.
The worst Thing until know is I don't know what time is it. The last few days, I had no Alarm clock or watch. Everytime I had to ask someone else for the time, because my personal time assesment is bad. No matter if it passes five minutes or half an hour, in my mind it should be always another time than that maybe one hour or so.
Now at the Moment I miss my phone and only three days bygone. I'm not allowed to take my old one, because it's also no longer awakesns. Does anyone have the same Problem? Whenever you Need something that won't work.
It's strange that you don't take your phone everywhere. I search it all the time, because I think I forgot it. My left pocket is so empty without it and what I have now for looking which time is it? My old Alarm clock always come with me that I will know the time. These black oblong, my
accompanist for the time without Smartphone.
The question that would be asked is: Is a smartphone really so necessary, that we can't live without it? Confessedly I think that a Smartphone is important in our lives, because we can do a lot of different Things on it. Especially in my Generation and the following has difficulty to put aside the phone for a while. We want to be well informed with the News from our friends and the whole world on road, manage Things by the way at way to School or waiting time. It's awkward ant takes time to wait until home for phone with the People or reading the newspaper. A Generation that does a lot of Things at once. I miss that. Waiting time is boring without Special applications on the phone and when a friend takes the same Train I can't give modest where I'm sitting in it. The Feeling you aren't well informed about the world get bigger every day by day.
I'm sure that a lot of humans are wondering what is happened to me. Nevertheless nothing happened to me, only my phone is in repairs.
I'll take here a photo in the near future, because they were all on my phone. So I'll have to search.
I wish I could not use my phone! However, the truth is there are many projects. So I need to communicate with people! That's so sad haha
AntwortenLöschenDaniel x
The Daniel Originals | Instagram: danielpoonvignez
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Hey Daniel,
Löschenthat's the Problem I have. At the Moment I have around three School Projects where we have to work in a Group. You have to plan a lot of Things really clearly and than it's ok. You have to communicate in another way with your mates, talk with them in School or work with them in the breaks on the Project. Organisation is big without a phone.