Everyone asked themselves, when it will snow? One week ago, we couldn't believe that this week we have snow. One month ago. we couldn't believe that we will have a real winter with snow. In November the temperature was higher than in October. We hadn't believed all the time that it will snow in this term of the year.
Here the snow is Schnee and the snowflackes are Schneeflocken. Whenever it schneit (snows)and the White mantle is there for days, we Germans know: Now it's the cold wintertime. In the Picture it seems like the themperature hasn't minus degrees, because of the sun and the bright sky with Clouds.
At the Moment in my hometown we have minus eight degrees celcius. (That would be around 17 degrees in Fahrenheit)
You think that isn't cold? Maybe at your place it's a lot more colder. The difference is, that we had last week around ten degrees warmer than now and we have to acclimate with the temperature. Nowadays I'm always feezing, so in the German language I'm frieren. The Thing is I've bought two years ago the warmest shoes in the store but in this winter my toes are cold also with warmen Socken(warm socks). I don't know maybe it's time for new winterboots called in Germany Winterstiefel or Winterschuhe.
I like the winter, because everything is white and is really beautiful with the mantle. Especially this one, because I will learn snowboarding in winter camp of School in a few weeks. I'm looking Forward to that.
Some things I don't like so much in winter:
I don't know if you ever hear about Trains in Germany. The DeutscheBahn haven't the most punctual Trains. Especially in summer and winter the Trains have a lot more delay than in spring or autumn. It isn't seldom that whole Trains are canceld. One day I've spent around three hours at the Train Station waiting for my Train, because one after another was cancelled. That isn't so funny, when you want to be at home.
Everything is nass how we call it when something is wet. In busses or Trains you can't put your bag on the vehicle Floor, because than your bag will be wet and over with sald ( that you can use for the streets, cars can better drive) You have to look for where you are stay and sit, may that is wet and so your Jeans could be wet.
All in all I think every term of the year have good sides and not so good ones. I love them all, because the difference in the nature is so beautiful. Every one have Specials for us. What is your favourite term of the year? Let me know that.
Hey, I nominated you for The Creative Blogger Award. :)
Hey Wanda,
Löschenthank you a lot for nominating. I hope it's ok when I'll do the post about the creative Blogger Award in around three to four weeks, because in this time I won't be at home and I can prepare (what a word) really good.
Love, Lea