Oktober 21, 2016

Unuseful information

Hello quite whiles ago I've written here down my thoughts and experiences. The last posts were about apologizes and no written times. That have to end, Now. So here aren't any sorrys and stuff like this. We'll start with experiences the last weeks and months.

I've got my driver's licence in August. So, NOW I'm able to drive a car but until the age of 18 my parents have to sit beside me. Nevertheless it's a big step for a country girl like me to have the permisson driving a car. That gives you an independence.
 In the picture you can see my licence and the other thing in the foreground is my identification card. My licence is only valid with this card,without it's only a pink paper.
Take photos is so much fun. When the weather was sunny I've taken a lot of beautiful pictures with my mobile phone camera because of I haven't a real camera:/. However when the light is great this camera is enought for taking photos. One of these pictures is the following where I'm wearing a dress, it's unusually for me.

A little voyage back to our childhood. As child we loved the stamps. Nowadays I also love them. One day I've found these great stamps in our cellar. The typical girl thing with hearts, roses and loops. The letter L with a crone is far and away the best of them. My name is Lea and so I can take this stamp every day in school and sign with it my sheets. The boy besides me has also L as first letter of his name, so the sign is also at his sheets to find. No matter if it's just stamps for little girls, I love it.

Surely everybody knows this wonderful test called cooper in sports. If not, you are a happy guy. Walking twelfe minutes without any training and reaching your best distance is hard. My class was allowed to do that twice. First, I've reached around 6 points but by the second try, another day one week later, I've reached 9 points. That makes me so happy, because I haven't any patience in sports and the worst jogging person in the world. With one week training it was better and so my aim is it to train once a week, because i'll have this cooper test in the next semester, too. 
Eat apples instead of gummibears also concur something for a healthier and fitter life. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. LONG TIME MY FRIEND, welcome back! I liked this post. Looks like youve been having fun. THe childhood stamps are wonderful

    1. Thank you, Vanessa! I know it wasn't only a few of seconds I haven't been here. :)
